Climate Change Presents Global Agritech 101
A Business Game: For 1 to n players / Ages: 21 to 75
Third Cohort - April 20th-27th-May 4th - 8 PM -10 PM IST- Available on Stripe here for those outside India and Razorpay here for those inside India for registration.
Game Description
As long as humans survive on planet Earth, they will need food to eat and will necessarily depend on food and agriculture systems. Farmers and Agriculture are the true source of wealth. As the peasant idiom goes, “If a farmer sows one seed, the crop is hundred or even a thousand-fold”. Make Physiocracy Great Again.
Soil, Seeds, Nutrients, Protection for Crops, Water, Labour. Thanks to Climate Change, you get a chance with technology to either enhance or replace them.
Game Plan
Agritech hasn’t achieved its true potential because we’ve been playing the game of chess without seeing the chessboard.
Evolution - If you wish to play chess well, how about figuring out how the game has been changing?
Value Chain - If you wish to play chess well, how about understanding the chessboard, its constraints, and how it has been changing?
Technology - If you wish to continue playing chess well, how about predicting how the game will change?
Modes of the Game
Play the game based on the stance that you find most comfortable in. In which quadrant do you find yourself most attracted? Can you articulate why?
In the third session of our Global Agritech 101 course, we play this 2 x 2 game. It provides a fascinating window to look into what drives our decisions and perceptions about our conscious and subconscious visions of agriculture.
It also maps each individual's political preferences when it comes to taking stances about agriculture. Do you want to join us to play this game and articulate your political orientation?
Levels of the Game:
Agritech 101 Covers: Evolution → Value Chain → Technology
Agritech 201 will cover: Geopolitics → Policy → Climate Change
P.S. As a game philosophy buff, I’ve always approached designing systems from the prism of game design. Global Agritech 101 course is no different, thanks to an exciting partnership with Om. The Evolution session covers five climatic patterns; the Value Chain session covers seven types of value chains and inverting the premise of value chains with bioregions; and the Technology session covers the entire spectrum of agrifood technologies across different political orientation levels.
You can look up Global Agritech 101 for the detailed course plan.
P.P.S: Someday, I hope to make a board game for children and adults to play Global Agritech 101. If you have better ideas to make this dream true, let’s collaborate:)
P.P.P.S. This is an advertisement for the course. Thank you for lavishing your attention on Agribusiness Matters. It means the world to me:)