State of Agritech - 14th August 2022

Programming Note: I try to send my newsletters on Saturdays. However, I turned 37 this week and took a longer break than usual. This edition is shorter than usual.
In Today’s Edition:
1/ Blind Men and the Elephant called Rural Finance
A group of blind men approached a strange animal called Rural Finance. Rumours abound that it looked like an elephant, although they had never seen one before. They decided to touch and imagine what it could be.
How does the VC financing feedback loop affect rural financing workflows? How has Jai Kisan's offerings changed from their 2021 $30 Mn Series-A round to 2022 $50 Mn Series-B round?
2/ Horizontal and Vertical Models in Agrifintech
How does the difference between Horizontal and Vertical Companies play out in Agritech? How Horizontal Rural Tech players (say Hesa Global) and Vertical Agrifintech players (say Agrim or Gramophone or ProducePay) are scaling ?